Friday, August 22, 2008

Time Freeze

Have you ever felt like you'd like to freeze time? Just capture the moment, hold it close and make it last forever? If so, you're familiar with how I feel right now.

I'd like to freeze time. Stop these glorious, warm, happy days and never let them go. Why?

My dad is visiting and we're having a wonderful time with him. Too much...just too much of everything. Love, laughter, fun, good times.

Hubby is feeling well. Looking stronger than he has all summer long. That, my friends, is something that cannot hold a price tag. It is much too precious. What I'd give to freeze his healthier days.

Have managed to begin a new book, something I hadn't expected to do while Dad is here. But the writing is coming easily, the story growing smoothly. I'm thrilled. (Getting caught up on the blasted synopsis, but that's another story. And no, I don't want to freeze my angst over synopsis writing, so let's just forget about that bit for now. )

But me, overall? Enjoying every bit of it. Loving the fun, the laughter, the love. Yeah, these are the days to freeze.

I hope you're enjoying these August days as much as we are. :)


Kara Lynn Russell said...

I'm so glad you have this time, even if it can't be frozen.

Melissa McClone said...

Freezing time sounds like a good idea to me! Hope the rest of August is as good as it's been so far for you!