Thursday, April 17, 2008

Excuse me, please

I've been awake and working since 3 am or so. I've gotten heaps of writing done and feel pretty darn good about it.

Today? I've got one of those crazy, jam-packed-with-obligations sort of days so I don't anticipate having even a minute to spare.

But right now? As the day gains clarity, the unspoiled dew glistening? Oh, the temptation...

I've got nearly an hour to myself. Long, sweet, glorious minutes before I need to dress and dash. I should...

Oh, you know the shoulds of my life by now, don't you?

But if you'll excuse me, I'm going to do something selfish. I won't even stop to dress, I'll just pull on a pair of sweats over my pjs, grab a cup of tea and head out to the greenhouse. Or maybe I'll throw all caution to the wind and take a walk to the pond. You never can tell what's stirring in this quiet moment. Maybe I'll just take a peek...

I hope you all have a good day. Mine is going to be nuts, but that chaos isn't going to begin until, oh, about fifty-two minutes from now. Until then, though, the world is serene. Pardon me while I indulge myself...



Dru said...

Kudos on the writing.

I hope you were able to enjoy the time you had before plunging into your obligations.

Have a good Thursday.

Melissa McClone said...

Good luck with your day!

Anonymous said...

Why cover up the PJ's or is it too old over there? Hope it was a goodie.

Aussie Jude