Friday, September 05, 2008

Green Acres

We're full into harvest time here at the farm. Every day we haul bushels of produce from the gardens into the house. There, we either freeze, can, eat or give away what we've grown. It is a busy time, but fun and exciting, too. There's a lot of hard work involved but it's all very satisfying.

Here are some photos of some of what we're picking.

Some things, like this gourd, are easy to identify.


From the watermelon patch.
These are soooo sweet!

We've been eating a lot of blueberries...
blueberry pie...blueberry crumble...
blueberry muffins...
trust me, a lot of blue food is being served
at Casa Leone!
I love the way onions look fresh from the soil.

Hot, hot, hot!
Other things are not as easily identified...
Any ideas?
He: "What's that?"
She: "Um...melon? Squash?"
He: "There are a lot of them. A lot."
She: "Lots of melons? Loads of squash?"
Ah, now that's something I can identify!
All sorts of eggplants beginning to come out
of the gardens.
My favorite veggie, btw.
Growing corn.
Does it get any more majestic?

Melons. We've eaten a bunch of these already and
they are sweet enough they could almost pass for candy.
From our home to yours, wishing you a wonderful weekend.


Rowena said...

Your harvest is just gorgeous!! Love it, love it, love it! It's photos and sharing like you do that gives me the encouragement to continue on in the garden. It's especially difficult when a particular flower or vegetable doesn't turn out like you had hoped it would, and you wonder if you really have a green thumb at all. (My asian pumpkins gave out on me!)

Thank you for showing us your garden's bounty. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm green. My grocery bill is huge and the produce isn't as gorgeous as yours is! Wow!!

Way to go!


Melissa McClone said...

Wow! All of that looks so good. I would love to be able to grow produce like that. This was our first season not belonging to a CSA farm (the drive was too long and gas too expensive) and I really missed it.

Funny title. I used to watch that show and was horrified when we moved to WA State and I found myself attending 8th grade at Greenacres Junior High!

Dru said...

wow, look at all the goodies on your farm.

Marianne Arkins said...







Anonymous said...

Absolutely fantastic! God knows how you find the time to look after all this. Great job. Love it all.

Aussie Jude