Monday, March 16, 2009

Un Posto Al Sole

A place in the sun.

That's what we found yesterday. And, hopefully, what we'll find again today. It was nearly sixty degrees here in the middle of nowhere yesterday, and all I can say is we loved every minute of it. Every single minute!

I spent most of the day raking and clearing up fallen branches. I cleared out the front rose garden, the side flower gardens and even took a few of the garden sculptures out of the barn. The yard looks so much friendlier with the statues nestled into their appropriate spots, and with bulb greenery shooting up around them.

All in all, a good day. Today? More of the same. Hey, we've waited a loooong time to see spring. For weeks this winter all I did was clear snow, slip on the ice and swear about both. Now that the birds are chirping, bulbs are sprouting and there are warm breezes to caress my cheeks I'm not wasting any of it.

My new gardening gloves already look like they've been dragged through the mud! I've got one bloody patch (rose thorns bite), grimy fingertips (pushing dirt away from the tulip shoots) and there's a shiny spot on my right thumb that shows just where the rake drags across my finger. Yeah, I've been getting dirty!

Do you have any plans for this beautiful Monday? Are you getting dirty or do you somehow manage to keep your gloves tidy?

I'll take photos as soon as we've got some color to share. So far we've mostly got brown but I have faith that soon we'll be surrounded by many shades. When we are, I'll share them with you.


Amy said...

So glad you found a place in the sun, but, you know, I'm JEALOUS.

Dru said...

No raking or gardening over here.

Not much going on today except doing some embroidery and quilting.

I hope you had a great sunny day.

Marianne Arkins said...

SIXTY DEGREES? color me green with envy. It's been right around 40 here (not that I'm complaining... much).

Can't rake yet. We still have WAY too much snow.