Sunday, March 08, 2009

Tease Me

Yesterday was heavenly. Blue skies, warm enough that I only had to wear a fleece jacket and with gentle breezes that made my heart flutter. Could it be? The first real taste of spring? Maybe. I could talk myself into believing Mother Nature might be cutting us some long as I didn't look down at my muddy snow boots. Those? They obviously hadn't gotten the Spring Memo.

This is the view of the big garden and the greenhouse. Notice the blue sky?
This year we'll only be using a small part of the big garden but I'm hopeful I'll figure out how to get the most from the least. Yes, we're scaling back, a necessary change that I hope will only be for this year. We'll see.
Yesterday I spent a chunk of the morning raking out some of the flower beds. I discovered the first indication that our red and yellow tulips are going to grace us with their presence. I know it sounds silly, but I actually screamed when I found the tulips poking through the ground. It's been a long, hard winter here. I need tulips!

I found one of these yesterday. Crocuses are one of my very favorite flowers. If you ask me, it takes a lot of gumption to poke up through the cold, hard ground so early in the season, and bring such a burst of beauty. I only found one fearless crocus, but the way I figure it...where there's one there's bound to be more. Don't you think?

I hope the spring tease is in your neighborhood, too!


Wendy said...

Spring is peaking out here too! Crocuses, daffodil shoots, buds on the trees (although it will be another month before we see baby leaves). Ah, the bliss.

Dru said...

We got a tease too and it was beautiful to be outdoors with a spring jacket on.

Dru said...
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Marianne Arkins said...

My crocus have just barely poked little greens up... but I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!

So, yeah, I understand.

Melissa McClone said...

We woke up to snow this morning!

Looks like you had a lovely bluebird day!