Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday, Monday

I wonder how many of you are old enough to remember hearing that song on the car radio? I mean, not on an oldies station, but when it was a new release.

Music on the mind, here, brought about by a Saturday afternoon walk. Not mine, but Hubby's. Let me explain...

Saturday was beautiful in our backyard. Sunny, warm (all right; it was only warm-ish but we were happy it wasn't snowing) and with all the promise of spring most of you began to see weeks ago. Not one for staying inside when the skies are blue, Hubby decided to take a walk to the meadow and back.

Me? I stayed inside and caught up on some paperwork. Oh, and I opened all the windows. And I...well, I turned on the stereo. Loud. Really loud.

Usually Hubby and I are in the house together, so we play music we both enjoy, a sort of melodious compromise. It works. But when he's out?

Mwah ha ha!

I blasted stuff he tolerates, but doesn't love. I won't name names, but "Monday, Monday" was tame by comparison.

Yeah, I love living in the country. The birds, bunnies and foxes don't care what I play. And I know they won't look at me funny and wonder if I really Can't get no satisfaction or if R-e-s-p-e-c-t is something they really need to find out about.

I hope today is sunnier than Saturday, and that Hubby decides to take an even longer walk, because I've got a playlist calling me.

What about you? What sort of music really makes your heart beat fast? And do you blast it? Or are you more subdued?

Happy Monday!


Dru said...

Classical Music. Back in the day K-Tel came out with several albums called "Hooked on Classics" and yes I have all three and when I listen to them, I blast them. I just love hearing Beethoven serenade me, John Philip Sousa marching me in the kitchen and my favorite Tchaikovsky's Overture of 1812.

Have a good Monday.

Melissa McClone said...

I don't think it's any specific music, but certain pieces. ANd I love to blast the music. Especially when I'm alone in the car!

Hope you have a nice day!

Marianne Arkins said...

I'm limited most of the time because I have my young daughter with me almost all the time. But when she isn't? I go back to my 80's rock and roll -- the big hair bands, maybe some Pat Benetar...

So, yeah, it's fun.

Wendy said...

I remember Monday, Monday when it was a new release - does that date me? Monday mornings are usually slow in my store and since I'm alone, I usually crank up the stereo to full volume. So far I haven't had any complaints from the other tenants in the building. Type of music? Anything with a good rhythm and awesome harmonies. Enjoy the sun today!