Tuesday, July 10, 2012

At the Movies

Last night I watched The Way. I'd never heard of it but a dear friend (didn't want to say old!) recommended the film yesterday. He was right. It was something I needed to see. Long story short... A man goes to France to claim his son's body. When he learns what his son was doing when he was killed, he decides to make the same trek. He learns so much about his son, and himself, along the way. He learns that life needs to be lived rather than chosen. It is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. Thanks, Bill!

Monday, July 09, 2012

Wonderful Weekend

My weekend was absolutely wonderful.

The accomodations were gorgeous. The company unrivaled. The food? Yummy! I danced until my feet ached, then I danced some more. I laughed until my sides hurt...then I laughed some more! My dinner companion kept me amused all night long. It was just fabulous.

Weekends like this are the ones that will be forever remembered and cherished.

What about you? How was your weekend? I hope it was wonderful!

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Fab Fourth

Sometimes the unplanned, spur-of-the-moment ideas are really the best, aren't they? Yesteday was one of those great times, when impulse ruled and everything just came together like clockwork.

An impromptu July 4th party, with lots of laughter, great food, fun people--old friends and new--and, to top it off, watermelon and fireworks. Doesn't get much better for a hot, summer night.

So today, straightening up a bit after the party. Running the dishwasher. Watering the flowers. Just a little bit of this and that. What about you? Any plans for the day?

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

Independence comes in so many forms, doesn't it?

Hope your day is a happy one. Me? I'm enjoying every minute!